Body Contouring

Excess fat and loose skin can affect our self-esteem and overall comfort. Many people may experience excessive skin after periods of rapid weight loss. Additionally, some individuals may notice that they continue to have excess skin on their flanks or chin (despite achieving a normal body weight). In some cases, cosmetic or surgical interventions may be necessary to address these concerns effectively.

Excess Fat/Loose Skin

At some point, most of us feel self-conscious about our bodies and look to change them. Many of us experience loose skin, whether it’s due to aging, weight loss, pregnancy, or other changes. When diet and exercise still leave you with a few areas of fat and loose skin, it can be hard to feel confident about your appearance. During these times, it may feel like the only options are surgery and liposuction.

The good news is there are non-surgical options for excess fat and loose skin. At Ambrosia MD, we offer a revolutionary non-surgical, body-sculpting treatment (truBody) that allows you to get rid of stubborn fat and gently tighten loose skin without surgery in as little as 15 minutes.

Interested in these treatments? Book your consultation now.


What is the truBody system?

truBody system is a non-surgical body contouring treatment that combines truSculpt and truFlex to reduce fat and build muscle. truSculpt technology is clinically proven to permanently eliminate fat cells, even in areas that are resistant to diet and exercise. truSculpt burns fat and tightens skin at the same time. It uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to destroy stubborn areas of fat by heating pockets of excess fat cells until they die. These fat cells are then eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system. Multiple body areas can be treated simultaneously. On average, one treatment can result in 24% permanent fat loss. RF technology has the added benefit of tightening tissues while reducing fat.

After truSculpt, the body is then treated with truFlex. truFlex is a multi-directional muscle stimulation platform that helps firm, strengthen, and tone the muscles in the buttocks, thighs, and abdomen. In one 15-minute session, your muscles will be contracted over 54,000 times. Over a series of 3-4 sessions, you can see an increase of 33% in your muscle mass. This technology can be used to treat a variety of muscle groups.

Can you tighten large amounts of sagging skin?

While truSculpt technology can tighten skin due to radiofrequency, truSculpt is not a solution for a large/excessive amount of loose skin. In these cases, surgery may be the only option. For those who undergo our truSculpt treatment, regardless of the amount of excess skin, some benefits can still be seen (and have been seen by many of our patients). It is important to note, however, that the results will not be as stark as those who undergo surgery.

If you have any questions about this, please discuss this with your provider during your consultation.

Love Handles/Double Chin/Back Fat

Love handles, double chin, and back fat are common areas of concern for many individuals. Often people are riddled with excess fat stored in these areas of the body despite weight loss or reaching an average weight. This leaves patients with decreased self-esteem often looking for surgical methods of correction.

Fortunately, at Ambrosia MD, we offer a revolutionary non-surgical body-sculpting treatment that can isolate and permanently eliminate fat cells in these areas of the body. truSculpt burns fat and tightens skin at the same time. It uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to destroy stubborn areas of fat by heating pockets of excess fat cells until they die. These fat cells are then eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system. On average, one treatment can result in 24% of permanent fat loss.

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Our Treatments and Technologies

Looking to address one of these concerns? Our treatments and technologies have proven to achieve results.

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If you have questions or need more information, our dedicated team is here for you! Contact us today to embark on your personalized journey to wellness. Your health, our priority.

Please call 613.220.5477 or email us at with any concerns.