
Embrace the future of healthcare with our cutting-edge technologies. At Ambrosia MD, we harness the power of innovation to enhance the effectiveness and precision of our treatments. From advanced medical equipment to state-of-the-art procedures, our clinic stays at the forefront of technological advancements to provide you with the best possible care. With our commitment to staying ahead of the curve, you can trust that you’ll receive the most advanced and effective solutions to address your health concerns.


truSculpt defines your body with personalized body sculpting, helping you achieve the body you want, down to the last curve.

Ambrosia MD is proud to offer truSculpt, a revolutionary non-surgical, body-sculpting treatment that allows you to personalize your ideal body in as little as one 15-minute treatment.

truSculpt is a safe and effective technology that is clinically proven to permanently eliminate fat cells in stubborn areas around your abdomen and flanks. With truSculpt, you can get the body definition you want, even in areas that have been resistant to diet and exercise.


What is truSculpt?

Target stubborn fat and slim your waistline in as little as 15 minutes. As one of the fastest body sculpting treatments on the market, truSculpt provides a personalized solution that damages fat cells on the abdomen and flanks using heat, eliminating them from the body naturally and safely. Treatments are non-invasive, and patients typically experience little to no pain and zero downtime.

How does it work?

truSculpt uses innovative Monopolar RF technology to target fat and therapeutically heat it selectively. The fat cells are then eliminated through the lymphatic system over a period of 12 weeks. There is an average of 24% fat reduction achieved in just one treatment.

How is this different than other body sculpting procedures?

This procedure is versatile and effective in treating a wide range of patients who may not be candidates for other contouring procedures due to treatment location, skin type, fat thickness, or skin laxity. It has minimal discomfort and has been compared to a hot stone massage. There is no visible downtime after the procedure; normal activity can be resumed immediately.

The treatment time depends on the size of the area being treated and the number of areas being treated. The abdomen and flanks typically require 15 to 30 minutes of treatment. Only one treatment is typically needed; however, maximum results are visible after 12 weeks. You may need additional treatments to achieve the personalized results you desire.

At Ambrosia MD, Dr. Maghera and her team will provide all the details you need to make an informed decision about the truSculpt procedure.

If you’re interested in learning more about pairing truSculpt with muscle building, refer to our truBody page for more details. Put together, these two systems offer the truBody experience.

Am I a candidate for truSculpt?

truSculpt will improve the shape, definition, and contouring of the abdomen and flanks in all shapes and sizes, so almost anyone can benefit from the treatment. Unfortunately, those with pacemakers or other implanted metallic or electronic devices, epilepsy, cancerous lesions, or recent surgical procedures cannot receive truSculpt treatment. We are unable to perform this treatment on those who are pregnant. We are unable to treat over the head and neck due to safety concerns.

During your consultation, we will discuss with you if you are a candidate based on goals, health, and medical history.

Can truSculpt be used on all skin types?

Yes, this treatment can be done on all skin types and over tattoos.

How many treatments will be needed?

Visible results are typically achieved with one truSculpt session. Results appear over a 12-week period following treatment.

What will the treatment feel like?

truSculpt treatments are typically described as warm but tolerable. During treatment, your skin’s temperature will rise but remain comfortable. The heat may be adjusted for your comfort. Results are even and consistent.

Is there really no downtime?

truSculpt treatments are noninvasive, require no recovery time, and allow you to immediately return to normal activities. After treatment, the treated area may be warm and flushed for one hour. In some cases, temporary bruising may occur.

When will I see the results?

Optimal results are seen after 12 weeks. To achieve your personal goals, additional treatments may be required.


Ambrosia MD is proud to offer truFlex, a personalized muscle sculpting treatment that adjusts to your fitness level, shape, and goals to strengthen, firm, and tone your muscles. truFlex’s comfortable, safe, and effective technology is clinically proven to increase an average of 33% muscle mass tailored to your individual needs.

truFlex uses a unique Multi-Directional Stimulation (MDS) technology to deliver three treatment options by replicating intensified crunch, squat and twisting actions. In one 15-minute session, your muscles will contract approximately 54,000 times.

truFlex is different than other muscle sculpting procedures:

  • Faster – Up to eight areas can be treated in each 15-minute session.
  • Safer – The unique truControl™ technology provides safe and consistent results through targeted, selective, and customizable delivery with less energy needed.
  • Effective – Three treatment mode options are available to customize the results to each patient’s goals.
  • Muscle thickness increase – Clinical studies have shown an average of 33% increase in muscle mass.
  • Versatile – Best of all, we can personalize the treatment for different fitness levels, body shapes, and goals.

We offer our truFlex treatment under the guidance of Dr. Sonam Maghera, who is a board-certified Sport and Exercise Medicine physician. She will work with you and her staff to ensure that a proper treatment plan is prepared to address your personal concerns.

Dr. Maghera is excited to extend the use of the truFlex machine to provide rehabilitative services. She will work with you to help address muscle imbalances, augment your physical therapy program with muscle strengthening, improve chronic low back pain, and assist with post-surgical recovery. The beauty of the truFlex machine is that there are a number of applications that can help people get back to functioning at their best. For more information, please contact the clinic or book a consultation.


What is truFlex?

truFlex is a personalized muscle sculpting treatment that adjusts to your fitness level, shape, and goals to strengthen, firm, and tone your muscles. The unique Multi-Directional Stimulation (MDS) technology delivers three treatment options by replicating intensified crunch, squat, and twisting actions. It’s the edge you need to look and feel your best.

Can I use truFlex for strengthening?

Yes, in addition to muscle toning, truFlex can be used to rehabilitate weak muscles after an injury or post-surgery. Patients can also use the treatment to strengthen muscles prior to going into surgery. Many patients also find that their chronic low back pain improves with truFlex, as it helps to stabilize the spine when the glutes and abdomen are treated.

What is the difference between truFlex and EmSculpt?

truFlex is a muscle sculpting machine which uses multi-directional muscle stimulation to improve muscle mass, strength, and overall basal metabolic rate.

Emsculpt Neo both tones muscles and reduces fat. It works by using radiofrequency to heat and eliminate fat cells and using High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology.

Key differences include:

  • truFlex allows for focused and directed treatment of specific muscle groups. Up to 8 muscle groups at a time can be treated. EmSculpt can treat a maximum of 2 muscle groups.
  • truFlex focuses on muscle strength and building, whereas EmSculpt will perform fat loss and muscle building. However, the truBody system uses truSculpt in addition to truFlex. The truSculpt is a radiofrequency fat loss machine that will work to destroy fat cells in one 15-minute treatment permanently.
  • truFlex allows one to treat for rehabilitation and strengthening purposes, whereas EmSculpt cannot because it also causes fat loss. In cases of severe muscle atrophy (or sarcopenia), we do not want to reduce fat any further in these areas of the body.
  • The size of the paddles on the truFlex machine allows us to customize the treatment to individual patients, for example, localizing activation of small muscle groups (deltoids, calves, and gluteus medius). Furthermore, the strength of activation can be adjusted for each pair of paddles (4 sets), which means we can treat muscles at different strengths to help produce symmetry in strength and size.
  • EmSculpt has one mode of muscle contraction, whereas truFlex offers 3 different modes of muscle stimulation (prep, sculpt, and tone).
Am I a candidate for truFlex?

Most healthy men and women can benefit from truFlex treatments. During your consultation, we will discuss with you if you are a candidate based on your health and medical history.

How long does a truFlex treatment take?

truFlex can treat up to 8 areas in 1 15-minute session.

How many treatments will be needed?

You can see remarkable results in as little as 4 treatments. Additional treatments may be required to achieve your personalized results. We’ll discuss maintenance options during your consultation.

What does the truFlex treatment feel like?

As the treatment begins, patients feel a gentle contraction sensation. As the intensity slowly increases, the muscle contraction intensifies and feels like an intense workout.

Is there downtime with the truFlex treatment?

truFlex is non-invasive and requires no recovery time. Patients are able to return to normal activities after the treatment immediately. Post-procedure, patients may notice tingling in the areas treated for up to a few hours and/or slight muscle soreness or tenderness for 24-72 hours.

When will I see results after my truFlex treatment?

Results may be visible as early as the second session; however, maximum results require a set of 4-6 sessions and will be visible 8-12 weeks after the last session.

Can I do the truSculpt and truFlex at the same time?

Yes, you can. Both can be completed during your first appointment. The treatment will begin with truSculpt and end with truFlex.

Who cannot receive truFlex treatments?

Contraindications to treatment include:

  • Cardiac pacemakers, defibrillators, implanted metallic or electronic devices
  • Epilepsy
  • Cancerous lesions
  • Acute trauma or fracture
  • Recent surgical procedures
  • Abdominal or inguinal hernia
  • Critical ischemia of lower limbs
  • Blood flow deficiencies/venous thrombosis

If you have any questions about whether or not you can receive this treatment, please contact our office.


At Ambrosia MD, we offer a revolutionary non-surgical body contouring treatment that combines truSculpt and truFlex to reduce fat and build muscle.

truSculpt technology is clinically proven to eliminate fat cells permanently, even in areas that are resistant to diet and exercise. truSculpt burns fat and tightens skin at the same time. truSculpt uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to destroy stubborn areas of fat by heating pockets of excess fat cells until they die. These fat cells are then eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system. Multiple body areas can be treated simultaneously, and one 15-minute treatment of truSculpt averages a permanent 24% fat loss. RF technology not only helps melt fat cells but can also tighten skin without the use of invasive surgical medical procedures.

We pair the truSculpt treatment with our truFlex technology. truFlex is a personalized muscle sculpting treatment that adjusts to your fitness level, shape, and goals to strengthen, firm, and tone your muscles. truFlex‘s comfortable, safe, and effective technology is clinically proven to increase muscle mass by an average of 33% tailored to your individual needs. Often, a series of 4-6 sessions will be required for maximum results.

The truBody system combines 1-2 truSculpt and 4-6 truFlex sessions. Maximum results appear 8–12 weeks after your last treatment. For the best results, it is imperative to combine our treatment with a rigid diet and exercise program.


What is truBody?

truSculpt and truFlex technology together form the truBody system. This system works to help you lose fat and gain muscle.

What conditions can truBody treat?

truBody can treat the following conditions:

  • Lower belly “pooch”
  • Hard-to-lose fat throughout the stomach
  • A ”muffin top” around the front of your waistline (love handles)
  • Skin laxity in the abdomen
  • Double chin (submental fat)
  • Back fat
  • Excessive thigh fat
What are the pros and cons of truBody?


Studies have found that this combination of the truSculpt and truFlex technologies can create an average of 24% reduction in fat and 33% increase in muscle mass post-treatment. This treatment comes with no downtime and no serious side effects.

The intensity of truFlex can be increased over time as you gain muscle mass, so it’s a personalized muscle-sculpting treatment that can be customized to your fitness level with buildable results.


Like most nonsurgical procedures, your treatment plan will likely include multiple sessions—likely 4-6 in total—for optimal results. This treatment does not negate the effects of a poor lifestyle (poor diet and limited exercise). For optimal results, the truBody system should be combined with positive lifestyle changes.

The fat reduction is not instantaneous and requires up to 12 weeks for maximal results. For those looking for immediate results, surgical intervention may be more appropriate.

While everyone is different, you may need maintenance treatments every 1-3 months to maintain your truFlex muscle-building results.

While the truSculpt system can help tighten skin, it is limited by how much excess skin a person may have. We will assess you and provide recommendations during your consultation. In some cases, surgical intervention may be the only option to remove large amounts of excess skin.

What happens during a truBody procedure?

A truBody treatment typically takes about 60-90 minutes.

Your treatment will begin with a thorough consult, review of history, and photos. We will then proceed with a 15-minute truSculpt session. Handpieces will be placed on your target treatment areas, and they will gradually heat up in cycles as the monopolar radiofrequency energy begins to flow. The heat can be uncomfortable for some, but most patients have minimal discomfort, with some people comparing the feeling to a hot-stone massage. Because the treatment is relatively brief, any discomfort lasts only a short period.

Next, we will proceed to treat these areas with the truFlex machine, our muscle stimulation platform. You’ll experience full muscle contractions to build muscle mass (by increasing muscle fibre density) and boost your basal metabolic rate (BMR). You can return to your normal activities directly afterward.

What are the side effects of truBody?

There is no downtime after treatment, but the targeted area may be warm and flushed for about an hour afterward. You may also notice some tingling over the treated areas. During the first few days post-procedure, you may also experience sensitivity and muscle soreness in the treated area, as if you’ve had a hard workout. This should resolve on its own within 72 hours. It is important to ensure you drink plenty of fluids (water) after your treatment.

How long does it take to see truBody results?

It takes three to four months post-treatment for your body to metabolize and eliminate the destroyed fat cells and for your new muscle mass to build up.

To achieve your desired results, which will become increasingly visible over time, you will need at least 1 truSculpt and 4 truFlex treatments.

Is truBody permanent?

truSculpt treatments kill fat cells permanently, so your fat reduction results should last as long as your weight remains stable. However, if you gain weight, the remaining fat cells in and around the treatment area may expand.

Regular strength training and a healthy diet can extend the results of your truFlex treatment, but muscle definition and mass naturally decline with age. Most people will require truFlex maintenance treatments every 1-3 months to maintain their muscle mass and strength.

Can truSculpt tighten skin?

truSculpt uses radiofrequency technology to help melt fat cells. RF technology also has the added benefit of tightening treated skin. Many clients will notice considerable tightening of their skin in the weeks to months after their treatment.

It is important to note that if you have excessive/large amounts of loose skin, surgery may be the only option.

Does truSculpt help with cellulite?

With radiofrequency heating, truSculpt is able to not only burn fat but also help with skin tightening and even reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Where does the fat go after the truBody treatment?

Fat cells that are destroyed during a treatment session with truSculpt are flushed away by the body’s natural waste removal process (lymphatic system) over a 3–4 month period.

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If you have questions or need more information, our dedicated team is here for you! Contact us today to embark on your personalized journey to wellness. Your health, our priority.

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