Muscle Rehabilitation

Conditions like muscle weakness, diastasis recti, post-injury muscle imbalances, low back pain, post-surgical muscle recovery, and bad posture can contribute to physical discomfort and decreased well-being. Specialized interventions or exercises may be needed to improve overall health and comfort.

Muscle Weakness/Atrophy

Muscle weakness becomes a greater concern as we age. Muscle mass is important for strength, balance, and overall metabolic health. Furthermore, muscle mass helps increase basal metabolic rate, which allows your body to burn more calories in a given day.

Muscle decline is also known as muscle atrophy. There are many causes for muscle atrophy. Some of these include:

  • Aging (sarcopenia)
  • Illness
  • Post-injury
  • Post-surgery
  • Deconditioning
  • Lack of exercising
  • Other medical conditions (muscular dystrophy, infections, neurological disorders, and more)

It is widely known that a decline in muscle mass as we age is associated with a poorer quality of life. It is also a leading cause of falls and fractures in the elderly.

At Ambrosia MD, we can help activate “sleepy” muscles and increase muscle mass. truFlex is a revolutionary treatment that contracts specific muscle groups over 54,000 times in a given session and can result in a 33% increase in muscle mass. Many patients report feeling stronger and looking better with more sculpted muscles. Not only can truFlex be used for muscle-sculpting, but it can also be used as a means of rehabilitation to help those suffering from muscle atrophy. Often, a number of sessions (4-6) will be required to begin to stimulate long-term changes.

If you’re interested in learning more about the truFlex treatment, click here.

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Diastasis Recti

Diastasis recti is a condition in which the rectus abdominis (6-pack muscle) separates in the middle. Given the rapid increase in abdominal size, this commonly occurs during pregnancy. This separation can be aesthetically unpleasing and may not return to normal size after birth. In addition to aesthetic concerns, some women will note a decrease in their core strength and a subsequent increase in lower back pain.

Treatments for this condition include physiotherapy and exercises. Unfortunately, in some cases, plastic surgery is required to decrease the size of this separation. truFlex is an innovative muscle-stimulating platform that offers a non-surgical treatment for this condition. Many women notice a reduction in their diastasis recti over a series of 4-6 sessions. Furthermore, because the technology addresses core strengthening, women may also note a decrease in their chronic low back pain.

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Post-Injury Muscle Imbalance

An injury is difficult, as it reduces physical activity and can result in deconditioning and muscle loss. For example, in those with an injured joint, that limb often becomes smaller and weaker due to muscle loss from less use; in those who have suffered a knee injury (ACL tear), the quadriceps muscle is much smaller on the injured side than on the unaffected side.

The cause of this muscle imbalance is multifold. Firstly, when a limb is injured, you will not want to move it as much, resulting in deconditioning. Secondly, when a limb is injured and painful, pain inhibition can actually shut down the firing of the muscle fibre as a means of protection.

Physical therapists often use electromagnetic muscle stimulation (EMS) to help facilitate muscle contractions and activate weak muscles. However, results are often slow, and many are unable to fully correct their imbalances. Additionally, the technology limits the level of electricity that can be delivered to the muscles, and muscles cannot be activated to sufficient levels to provide effective treatment.

Our truFlex technology allows for the delivery of higher levels of electrical stimulation, which works the muscles harder, providing faster and better results. Many patients with old injuries have noted considerable improvements in the strength and size of the muscles on “their injured side.”

At Ambrosia MD, we offer our truFlex treatment under the guidance of Dr. Sonam Maghera, who is a board-certified Sport and Exercise Medicine physician. She will work with you and her staff to ensure that a proper treatment plan is prepared to address your personal concerns.

Dr. Maghera is excited to extend the use of the truFlex machine to provide rehabilitative services. She will work with you to help address muscle imbalances, augment your physical therapy program with muscle strengthening, improve chronic low back pain, and assist with post-surgical recovery. The beauty of the truFlex machine is that there are a number of applications that can help people get back to functioning at their best. For more information, please contact the clinic or book a consultation.

Interested in these treatments? Book your consultation now.

Low Back Pain

Low back pain affects a large portion of the population. While there are many causes of low back pain, the vast majority are deemed mechanical in nature. This means that the back pain is due to overall instability and weakness of the spine.

Treatment options for low back pain include a heavy emphasis on core strengthening, glute activation, and posture improvements. Many individuals will note considerable improvement with consistent core and glute strengthening exercises. Unfortunately, given the chronic state of their pain, in many cases, their core and glutes become “sleepy” and no longer activate effectively.

At Ambrosia MD, our truFlex technology can help accelerate and augment the strengthening of the core and glute muscles. This is offered under the guidance of Dr. Sonam Maghera, who is a board-certified Sport and Exercise Medicine physician.  This treatment can help wake up “sleepy muscles” and then work to increase strength and muscle mass. Patients may note considerable improvements in back pain after just 1 session treating the abdominal muscles and glutes. Often 4-6 sessions are required to facilitate long-standing changes. Many patients will come in on a consistent basis to maintain these benefits. In many cases, patients also notice an improvement in their posture as they begin to stand straighter and taller.

Interested in these treatments? Book your consultation now.

Post-Surgical Muscle Recovery

Post-surgical recovery is difficult, as muscle loss (muscle atrophy) occurs quite quickly due to lack of use. Many patients spend months with their physical therapist working to reverse and improve post-surgical muscle loss and weakness.

For example, those who receive hip and knee replacements are advised to quickly regain the function and strength of their glute and quadriceps muscles. Unfortunately, this is difficult for many patients and requires extensive daily exercise.

At Ambrosia MD, we offer our truFlex treatment under the guidance of Dr. Sonam Maghera, who is a board-certified Sport and Exercise Medicine physician. She will work with you and her staff to ensure that a proper treatment plan is prepared to augment your post-surgical rehabilitation.

Dr. Maghera is excited to extend the use of the truFlex machine to provide rehabilitative services. She will work with you to help address muscle imbalances, augment your physical therapy program with muscle strengthening, improve chronic low back pain, and assist with post-surgical recovery. The beauty of the truFlex machine is that there are a number of applications that can help people get back to functioning at their best. For more information, please contact the clinic or book a consultation.

Interested in these treatments? Book your consultation now.

Bad Posture

Bad posture affects the majority of our population today. Unfortunately, working a desk job, sitting for long periods, using cell phones, and driving cars are all major factors contributing to this issue. If you look around, you will notice many people walking around with a forward head posture, hunched over, and a hyperextended lower back.

A large component of our hunched-over posture is a weakness of the muscles located on the back of our body – traps, glutes, hamstrings, and obliques.

Our truFlex technology can activate these weakened muscles and help you to stand taller, which can ultimately lead to better posture. We specifically target our treatment over the glutes and obliques to help activate and strengthen these muscles to allow you to stand up straighter.

At Ambrosia MD, we offer our truFlex treatment under the guidance of Dr. Sonam Maghera, who is a board-certified Sport and Exercise Medicine physician. She will work with you and her staff to ensure that a proper treatment plan is prepared to address your personal concerns.

Interested in these treatments? Book your consultation now.

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